Titles of book read in this span:
- Stone of Farewell / Tad Williams -- p. 676-727 (finished)
- AM/PM / Amelia Gray -- p. 1-80 (in progress)
Pages read in this span: 132
Running total of pages read since started: 713
Books finished since the start:
- The Trouble with Chickens / Doreen Cronin
- Fray / Joss Whedon
- Stone of Farewell / Tad Williams
Thoughts on current read: AM/PM is a collection of... microfiction, I guess. Some of them are very effective, others not as. Definitely affecting in places, and I few of them I read 4 or 5 times in a row because they spoke to me strongly. So it's a good one.
Memes and Mini-Challenges completed:
- Introduction meme
- Where in the World Are YOU?
- Oldies but Goodies
- Book Club Recommendations
Other activities this span:
- The taking of the Second Bathroom Break.
- The contemplation of a Starbucks run.
Congrats on getting so far, sis, sis, boom ba. Gooooo readathon.