Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Teaser Tuesday -- Infinite Jest (II)

Teaser Tuesday time again, hosted by MizB. How it works is you grab the book you're reading, open to a page, and pick a juicy two-sentence teaser. No spoilers, obviously.

Another from Infinite Jest, which incidentally I have made almost no progress on. Hard times indeed.

It was not that the sky was lightening so much as that the stars' light had paled. There became a sullenness about their light. Now, also, strange-looking U.S.A. insects whirred actively past from time to time, moving jaggedly and making Maranthe think of many windblown sparks.


  1. Thanks for introducing me to this book, it sounds really interesting. The "Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment" sounds even better than the year of the rat!

  2. I've had this one on my shelf for more years than I'm willing to admit. I want to start, but the time commitment scares me!


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